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A Personal LIfestyle Blog by Beth Lynn Daigle

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. Beautifully Broken serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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I Am Not Just A Hairstylist

I have wanted to be a hairstylist ever since I could remember. After 20 years of doing what I Love it still brings me so much Joy. I'm...

Ashes to Beauty

Another school shooting. So very tragic. "It is not supposed to be this way" We tell our children. All I feel is the weight and heaviness...

All The Things Black

I wear a lot of black, mostly because It matches my heart ❤ 😂 JUST KIDDING! I always wear black to work. For two seasons. 1- Because its...


What does true happiness mean to you? The truth is, there are many definitions of happiness because happiness looks different for all of...

Spring/Summer Fashion 2022

Let me start by saying 2022 is another year that has zero rules! I mean.. I have rules 😂 but also Mullets are back! Therefore I'm gonna...

Character & Grace in the upcoming days

I started this blog because one of my closest friends #Lifer told me I should start one. I quote “I think you should start a blog. Being...

who Am I?

I remember not being intimidated by turning 40. In fact I would hashtag #40isthenew20. There was a sense of freedom that came from me...

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