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What does true happiness mean to you?

The truth is, there are many definitions of happiness because happiness looks different for all of us.

But there is something we all share. If we’re not happy, life is unsettling and unsatisfying.

I have learned so much over the past 2 years. I had to do a lot of hard work, and If I’m being completely transparent.

It. Was. Awful. I actually started this blog post over a year ago. It is much different than my usual blogs on fashion & Beauty. But it’s been laying heavy on my heart to finish, because the ending is the best part. We all love happy endings, right?

I’ve recently had to share a lot of what I’ve learned with my daughter. Sometimes I apologize to her for giving her my heart because I swear that kid has a heart like no other. She will likely experience a decent amount of heart break. I mean.. if I’m being honest she already has just because of my divorce. Which was not her choice. She is just an innocent bystander to an unstable relationships created by 2 kids just trying to survive. its something she will always carry with her, along with my other 3 loves. That being said it is my job to give her the tools and show her how to recognize the red flags.

Most of you know I have a strong faith. However, even as a believer it is easier to chose what you want over what God has for you, and sometimes God just has to break you. But there is always beauty in your brokenness. And God will always turn those ashes to Beauty.

I spent almost 2 years not dating. Lots & Lots of alone time. Lots of blood, sweat and tears shed. However, I knew I had too. I had be alone and learn to love myself and who I had become. I had to forgive myself and others. I had to make changes in who I was to become who I am now. Its a good place to be when your striving everyday to be a better version of yourself.

I wasn’t always like this. I was conditioned that chaos was my normal. I was anxious all the time, I was mad and most days it was hard to even smile. Ug. Yuck. That was hard to even write. But it’s all the truth.

I can give you a laundry list of red flags but the truth is sometimes they are more subtle than you think and we chose to ignore them.


Maybe because it’s easier?

Maybe because we are too scared to be alone?

Accepting something or someone is sometimes much more comfortable than doing the hard work when your normal is toxic. It’s like a drug.

I mean.. let’s be honest, friends. No one wants to feel the pain of heart break. Picking up all the pieces of a broken heart that destroyed you and others. It Sucks.

Unhealthy and Toxic relationships comes in many forms. Whether you’ve found yourself in a toxic relationship with a friend, or a significant other, toxicity is so harmful to your well-being and it will eat you up from the inside out.

The reality is the only way out and the key to finding real Joy and Happiness starts with YOU!

Which is why I would never take back one second of what I had to go through to get to where I am today. It’s why I can get knocked down but I will always get back up, and stronger every time.

Friends, no one can keep you down. No one can keep you chained to your bitterness and angry. That heavy load you are carrying is yours alone my friend, and it will destroy you. Only you have control over your life. Be grateful for that and chose you. Change your story.

I had to make a lot fo changes one of them was training my brain to think with truth and logic not emotion. to not be so impulsive. Easier said than done, and i’ll be the first to admit I can be a real jerk sometimes. In fact a was a hot mess. But the closer I was with my faith the more convicted I was, and I decided I can not and will not live a life filled with anger. that was my choice.

I’ve learned many will have their opinions of you, they will deflect and manipulate to make themselves feel better. WHO CARES. Be grateful you dodged a bullet and walk away with peace. They’re just not your people. doesn’t mean they are bad people. Just not your people. Keep moving forward. Most people will show you their true colors in 90 days so pay attention, and never apologize for protecting your peace and happiness. Toxic, unkind and unhappy people will only you bring you down.

I know It’s easy for us to get caught up in all that’s wrong instead of focusing on all that’s right. But we have SO much to be grateful for. And it’s so important to focus on gratitude because that helps us to find happiness in our everyday lives. Even during the hardest storms. But the best part of storms is they bring you growth and they always come to an end. until the next one, but now you're better prepared to handle it.

Rejection = Redirection

Redirection = Growth

growth = Gratitude

Gratitude = Love

Love = Happiness

I found my happy and I will be forever grateful for all the good & bad that got me here.

Find your people.

Find your Happiness.

Laugh hard every day.

Be kind.

Make someone smile everyday.

Surround yourself with good people who love you and want the best for you.

Most importantly; Love yourself. Do the work. Find your Happiness that nothing or no one can take away. It all yours. When you find it your life will be forever different. YOU will be different and I promise you won’t be sorry!

Pslam 139:14

“ For I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

And I have the tattoo to prove it #Boom

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